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Logging practices dated prior to November 1998 were conducted by Victorian Plantation Corporation. Logging practices past November 1998 conducted by Hancock Victorian Plantations".

It is important to know that Hancock have kept the same forest managers in the Strzelecki's who were logging prior to the November 1998 sale. Is it any wonder that the same problems are still occurring?


Hatchery Road
Rodgers Road.
April 1999.

21/3/99. Photo taken from Hatchery Road past Rhondas track. All old Regenerating Trees (buffers) removed from most of this road. Clearing of 1950's plantation? All buffers and filters removed to extend plantation holdings. Planted 1998
All Old Regenerating forest removed 1997. Replanted with Shining Gum. Marked as non-plantation are on Hancock VPC Pty Ltd maps Albert River -Yarram/Madayla Road Crawford Track Section 3 june/July 1999
West Branch Morwell River, May 1 West Branch
Morwell River
- All old regenerating forest removed in 1997. Since the replanting of plantation species, the area is depicted and marked on Hancock maps as non-plantation. All rainforest buffers removed on this site, exposing rainforest to disease and infection of myrtle wilt.
August 24 1999. Cool Temperate Rainforest buffers removed. Access track bulldozed into the head of the rainforest gully mapped as rainforest on Department of Natural Resources and Environment's EVC's. This site is on a permanent stream, the Morwell West Branch of the Morwell River. Albert River - Yarram / Madayla Road - Crawford Track. June/July 1999. Bulldozing of debris into regenerating rainforest of Southern Sassafras and Myrtle Beech

Bell Boulevard - This is an unusual site in that there were obvious old regrowth buffers on rainforest and other gullies feeding into a permanent watercourse, the West Branch of the Morwell River. Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Ltd, formerly Victorian Plantation Corporation, have ignored all available scientific data published about this site and the general area. Rainforest buffers and original native forest were replanted with shining gum in April 1999.

West Branch Morwell River 1998. All old forest removed, including the bed of the gully. Debris pushed into existing culvert, which was smashed in the process.

Rodgers Road: August 1999.
Remnant old growth forest-non plantation timber removed. Trees bulldozed into gullies. Removal of non-plantation timber including blackwoods.

Albert River Catchment Yarram/Madayla Road. 22nd August 1999. Section 5 filter strips removed with debris pushed into gully floor.

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