Hancock Watch

Remedial Work in Otway Ranges after Breach of Code of Forest Practices

November 2007

Stevensons Falls Plantation

For past updates on breaches see here

Colac Otway Shire said that remedial work had to be carried out by Nov 23 2007 to the satisfaction of the Shire. It is the opinion of Hancock Watch that the work taken as of Nov 29 2007, remains unsatisfactory.

Otway Ranges - Cretaceous Sediments. Plantation near Stevensons Falls. Logging road gone bad. Innovative culvert design? Deep erosion (2m+) has simply been covered by logs. Further down this drainage line, erosion several metres deep has occurred and no remedial action has been taken. Hancock Watch believes that in one or two downpours of rain the culverts will fill with sediment and gullying of the logging road could eventuate again. At this point Hancock had originally installed a log instead of a culvert.

Otway Ranges - Cretaceous Sediments. Looking down the drainage diversion. It will be interesting to see what happens here over the next couple of years.

Same view from 500m away.

Culvert ready to fill with sediment

There is supposed to be a drain here. Why has this rock been dumped at this location? When rain hits, water will be forced around this obstruction, potentially eroding more sediment from track.

No drains

Where's the drain? What sort of remedial work is this?

Another drainge solution, with Gellibrand River in the distance

Culvert excavation

Another culvert discharge point

Sediment trap gouged into road to take pressure off culvert. This may work well for a few months until it fills with sediment.

Discarded sediment left on side of road.

A major problem at this site is the slumping batters. Heavy rain will force more of this sediment onto the inadequate drainage infrastructure.

Large slump at this location. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that heavy rain will wash most of this dislodged soil onto the road where it will easily fill all of the newly installed culverts. Is this road totally unsustainable?

More slumping batters

ditto. At this critical point a trench has been graded to direct runoff off the side of the road and down an embankment, how successful this will be will depend on whether this batter continues to erode away and and what rate.