Updates November 2012
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
- Old Growth Mountain Grey Gum and impressive stand of remnant native vegetation
located on ex Australian Paper Plantations land, Parish of Carrajung and Callignee.
This land has no formal protection status as it is regarded as freehold land
by Hancock and is supposedly protected via voluntary arrangements. Approximately
200ha of native forest has been located at this location. It is of high conservation
significance. This land and other Hancock freehold land, mainly located on the
northern slopes of the Strzelecki Ranges was excluded from formal protection
in the August 2008 Cores and Links deal.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment - Cadastral map
of Bruthen Creek showing land tenure. Allotments 9 & 10 Parish of Callignee
and Allotments 10, 15, 14, 13, 12, and 16 Parish of Carrajung all remain unprotected.
However the narrow strip of native vegetation along Bruthen Creek, shown within
plantation LEGL 93/99 is
now formally protected under the August 2008
Cores and Links deal. Plantation boundaries are marked by green dots.

December 1972: Same area, 40 years earlier.

Location of Bruthen Creek old growth (marked in yellow) in comparison
to Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve. It lies about 6km north east
of the eastern extremity of Tarra Bulga National Park.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track) (Allotment 13/14 Parish of Carrajung) - Unprotected native forest
adjoining hardwood plantation. Koala scats located 50 metres from sign post.
Probably a Strzelecki Koala hotspot.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13/14 Parish of Carrajung). Koala scats found in native
forest very close to plantation boundary.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13 Parish of Carrajung). Impressive stands of Mountain
Grey Gum in this Hancock freehold land.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13 Parish of Carrajung). Impressive stands of Mountain
Grey Gum in this Hancock freehold land.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13 Parish of Carrajung). Impressive stands of Mountain
Grey Gum in this Hancock freehold land.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13/14 Parish of Carrajung). Huge plantation sawlogs
grown in adjoining plantation. Are Hancock investors aware of the poor growth
rates associated with Hancock's hardwood plantations?
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13/14 Parish of Carrajung). Off to Maryvale
with these 'matchsticks'.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 13/14 Parish of Carrajung). More very small hardwood
plantation logs ready for the chipper. Hancock's hardwood contracts were effectively
crippled from the 2009 bushfires, where they lost one
quarter of their hardwood in one day. Poor growth rates are also contributing
to plunging supply.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Bruthen Creek Catchment
(Paling Track)(Allotment 14 Parish of Carrajung). North East boundary Hancock
pine plantation LEGL 93/99.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Merrimans Creek Catchment. (Extension
Road) Jungadale Block. Strzelecki Koala hotpot.
December 2011: Strzelecki Ranges/Merrimans Creek Catchment.
Jungadale Nature Reserve is managed by the Carrajung Conservation Reserve
Association Incorporated since 25/6/98 and granted to the community as a result
of the 1998
Heads of Agreement, signed between Friends of Gippsland Bush and Australian
Paper Plantations. The original deal had nothing to do with Hancock, yet Hancock's
name is proudly displayed on this sign. Why? A cynical analysis could be that
HVP are attempting to benefit from public relations concerning the koala and
Jungadale Nature Reserve.

Google Earth image of Carrajung Region, showing Hancock's lands marked
within yellow boundaries, surrounding Jungadale to the north, west and east.
Jungadale is not owned by Hancock.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Middle Creek Catchment.
Remnant Manna Gums blown over after pine plantation was cleared. Many remnant
trees suffer this fate.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Middle Creek Catchment.
More remnant Manna Gums blown over after plantation clearance. These were prime
koala trees.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
Allotment 42 Parish of Tong Bong. In February 2009,
Hancock lost 4650ha of pine plantations due to bushfires. A large portion was
lost in the Parishes of Tong Bong and Callignee. Hampton Creek flows into Merrimans
Creek about 3km south west of the town of Gormandale. Merrimans Creek provides
drinking water to the community of seaspray. Widespread reforestation will impact
on streamsflows for decades to come.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
(Parish of Calignee/Tong Bong): Recent post fire site preparation.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
(Parish of Calignee/Tong Bong): Recent post fire site preparation.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
(Parish of Calignee/Tong Bong): Recent post fire site preparation.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
(Parish of Calignee/Tong Bong): Looking north west towards Loy Yang Power Station
and Mt Baw Baw in the distance. Hundreds of hectares of plantations destroyed
in 2009 bushfires. 4 years later Hancock is still dealing with the consequences.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Hampton Creek Catchment.
(Parish of Calignee/Tong Bong): Looking north into more pine plantations recently
re-established after bushfires.
November 2012: Strzelecki Ranges/Grieg Creek Catchment,
east of Tarra Bulga National Park.
November 2012: Bruthen Creek Catchment Gippsland. Recent
pine logging on ex Australian Paper Plantations land, north of Wonwron State
November 2012: Wonwron State Forest. Pine wildings growing just off Boodyarn
Road in close proximity to Hancock's Wonwron