Region: Central
Legal Number: LEGL/93-69
Plantation: Toolangi (Mount Robertson
1087 ha)
April 2000. Logging track. Straight into Stony Creek (a trib
of King Parrot Creek). King Parrot Creek is one of Victoria's
most important waterways, as it contains a relic population
of the endangered Macquarie
Perch. Any sediment
loads entering this catchment could seriously degrade Macquarie
Perch habitat. It is
well known that logging roads are a major source of stream
sediment.. |
Conservation Priority: High
Plantation within Australian Newsprint Mill (ANM) Ltd area of supply.
Plantation within Dominance Industries (Alpine MDF Industries) area
of supply.

Pre: 2009 bushfires image of plantation in the headwaters
of King Parrot Creek.
Plantation within GB Timber (Narbethong) area of supply?
Plantation within Softwood Pine Exports (SPE) area of supply.

September 2006: 4 tonnes of
hexazinone will most likely be used in this plantation post logging.
Heavy rainfall will wash a proportion of this herbicide, and others,
into King Parrot Creek. In the Geelong region Hexazinone has recently
been detected 50km downstream.
This plantation was very likely to be aerially
sprayed with 2,4,5-T between 1968 and 1977. The Dioxin TCDD may still
exist in soil in this plantation. For more historical data on 2,4,5-T
here. For more information concerning the
continuing health crisis concerning 2,4,5-T please forward to

September 2006: Gully line
and road convergence. High risk location for sediment and herbicides
to be washed into King Parrot Creek.
Herbicides Used by Hancock
in Pine Plantations - North East Region Victoria
Herbicide |
Label Rate max as kg/ha |
Used to control |
Notes |
Application |
Carfentrazone-Ethyl |
0.036 |
Clopyralid |
2.55 |
Woody Weeds |
Highly Toxic/Potential Ground water Contaminant |
air or ground |
Glyphosate |
3.6 |
Herbaceous and woody weeds, noxious weeds |
Hexazinone |
4 |
Woody Weeds |
Ground Water Contaminant |
Aerial, ground, spot |
Metsulfuron-Methyl |
0.06 |
Woody Weeds, Noxious Weeds |
Potential Ground Water Contaminant |
Aerial, ground or spot |
Triclopyr |
3 |
Woody and Noxious Weeds |
Ground, spot, basal bark |

May 2003: Sediment entering unnamed
tributary of King Parrot Creek after light rainfall. This particular
'waterway' would turn into a torrent after heavy rainfall. Creek side
buffers at this location do not stop sediment laden water from entering
the King Parrot Creek system. Roading is a major contributor of sediment
loads into waterways.
Water Catchment Area: GOULBURN

May 2003: Recent work on the creek crossing
in Stony Creek. Large piles of rock and stone now abut the creek and
trail bike riders are still accessing the creek by riding over the pile
of rocks - to the right of the photo. 4WD's have not however been able
to access the creek. Large amounts of turbid water have been seen on
the other side of the Creek, especially after rainfall events.
self sustaining population of Trout
Cod in Victoria - below Polly McQuinns
dam. Seven Creeks also has a
big population of Macquarie
Perch. Macquarie
Perch are also present at the
bottom of King Parrot creek. Macquarie
Perch have disappeared from the
Goulburn largely due to dams, flow reduction and sedimentation.
Two Spined
Blackfish inhabit
the mid to upper reaches of streams north of the Great Divide, whereas
River Blackfish
inhabit lower reaches of streams north of the Divide. The Acheron river has populations of Blackfish
and Mountain
Galaxias/possibly Barred
Galaxias also.
May 2003: Trailbike riders in Stony Creek
catchment. 4WD and motorbike riders can cause all sorts of sediment
problems in plantations, particularly plantations located close to urban
areas. Increased traffic usage on logging roads can greatly increase
sediment loads into local waterways.
Responsible Authority: Murrundindi Shire Council
Plantation Catchment: Portion Stoney Creek, Mathieson Creek,
Pheasant Creek/King Parrot Creek/Goulburn River as well as a couple
of unnamed creeks flowing into King Parrot Creek. Plantation takes up
1087ha of land in the King Parrot Creek catchment.
Catchment Managment Authority: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management
May 2003: Native vegetation removal near unnamed
tributary of King Parrot Creek. If native species regenerate inside
plantation areas, the native species will often be destroyed during
logging and the area replanted with plantation species. Most of the
western portion of the Mount Robertson plantations (about 500 ha) has
been logged in the past 2 years. The Mount Robertson plantations probably
consume 2200 million litres of water more per year, than if the land
was retained as farmland. Because the plantation trees are forever young,
they will always be thirsty for water.
Hancock Watch Site visit April 2000: Tipped off by local fishermen
about poor quality of logging roads on Stony Creek. Contacted Murrundindi
Shire - some unsatisfactory remedial work and barring of logging tracks
was done by Hancock.
Hancock. Site visit - Jan 01: Travelled into eastern portion
of plantation from the south (Watsons Road). Logging contractors active
at site. Saw substantial native vegetation buffer zone on Mathieson
Creek and large portion of native vegetation including old growth on
western edge of Pheasant Creek (far eastern boundary of plantation).
Saw poor quality logging roads including bombsite on northern edge of
plantation. Have not covered the entire plantation estate but area near
Pheasant Creek in pretty good nick.
May 2004: High erosion potential
noted at this culvert feeding into Stony Creek.
Hancock Watch Site Visit March 2002: Entered plantation from
west came across plenty of recent logging. Saw evidence of broken culverts
and very poor creek crossings along primary logging roads in Stony Creek
catchment and on a tributary feeding into Matheisson Creek. It also
looked like trail bike riders had been in the plantation, cutting up
and degrading sensitive roading and drainage areas with their trail
bikes. One location in the recently logged Mathieson Creek catchment
had been used by locals as a rubbish dump. Any remedial work that Hancock
had promised to the very dodgy road inside Stony Creek was completely
unsatisfactory. The road appeared to still be in use and the off road
vehicles were obviously 'joy riding' over the remedial barring. Any
further sedimentation of King Parrot Creek could well spell the death
sentence for the remnant population of Macquarie Perch that lie downstream.
This is a very vulnerable catchment and utmost care needs to the taken
by all land users. Sediment was observed at this location entering the
creek system and a solution for this problem site needs to eventuate.
May 2004: Poorly located quarry
in Stony Creek catchment.
Some photos from the March 2002 site visit can be seen at;
Hancock Watch Site Visit May 03: Most of the King Lake plantations
located on the west side of Yea Road have not as yet been logged. However
heavy logging has taken place in the main bulk of plantation located
in the King Parrot Creek catchment on the east side of Yea Road. Most
of the western aspect plantation has been clearfelled in the Stony Creek
catchment. Logging in the Mathieson Creek catchment has been confined
to the western side. Logging will be expected to go into the Mathieson
and Pheasant Creek catchments later in the year. Many trailbike riders
were seen in the plantation. Remedial work on the Stony Creek roading
issue has been undertaken, but trailbike riders see the road barring
as a challenge to ride over. Light rain was falling in the plantation
and we witnessed many examples of poor drainage leading to increased
sediment loads entering the waterways of Stony Creek and an unnamed
tributary east of Stony Creek. Many deficient log trails had large puddles
forming on them.
May 2003: Mathiesson Creek catchment buffer.
Logging has taken place over much of the western portion of this plantation
in the past 2 years. Loggers will now be targeting the Mathiesson and
Pheasant Creek catchments.
King Parrot Creek: Medium to slow flowing in forest with open country
downstream, gravel, rock and mud bed. Self-supporting trout population
from spawning in the headwaters and recruitment from the Goulburn River.
Contains mostly brown trout average 200g, maximum 900g, river blackfish
to 120g, average 50g and some Macquarie perch average 320g, maximum
1.5kg with most fish 500-650g. Lower section near its junction with
the Goulburn River fishes very well for trout when the Goulburn is high,
cold and clear during irrigation water releases.
Source: A Guide to the Inland Angling Waters of Victoria by BR Tunbridge, PL Rogan, CA Barnham. Department Conservation and Environment. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown St, Heidelberg, 3084. (4th ed - 1991)
93-69b April 2000: Dumped
cars in Mathieson Creek (a trib of King Parrot Creek). This is
not a car associated with Hancock Watch! |
93-69c April 2000: Buffer
zones of Pheasant Creek. |
93-69d April 2000: Logging
track. Straight into Stony Creek (a trib of King Parrot Creek).
Apparently four wheel drive vehicles still use this track. |
93-69e April
2000: Native bush in Mathieson Creek buffer within plantation
boundary. |
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