Hancock Watch

January 2007 Updates

Hancock arrogance could end up jeopardising Hancock, Strzelecki Community and Victorian Government's $7 million cores and links deal. 80%+ of the wood coming off these coupes will end up at the PaperlinX owned Maryvale pulp mill.

local media start taking up the issue

Rainforest Indicator Species

New: Cores and Links Background Information here

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Destruction of recovering cool temperate rainforest by Hancock logging operations in area supposed to spared from logging by October 2006 deal on Strzelecki cores and links reserve. This area of rainforest has been smashed by trees falling into rainforest. See December 2006 for more details on the deal.

Cores and links map. Yellow indicates approximate location of logging at Grey Gum Track. Red indicates approximate location of rainforests identified up to 2002. Blue indicates cores and links reserve.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Same as above. Note cool temperate rainforest indicator species on trunk of tree fern. Much of the rainforest at this location is recovering from logging conducted in the mid 1970's. These are the first coupes to be logged after a Heads of Agreement was signed with the Victorian Government in October 2006 and it is a disaster. Contemptible corporate behaviour.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Tree ferns smashed inside rainforest gully.

Rainforest Indicator Species

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Another rainforest breach inside cool temperate rainforest. Hancock were supposed to leave 60 metre buffers in this location on cool temperate rainforest, however it appears that Hancock have been using the arguement that unless the rainforest contains a tree cover of Myrtle Beech then it is not rainforest. This shallow arguement forgets to acknowledge that there are several species of plants that are known as rainforest indicator species. If the number of these species outnumbers other wet forest species, then it can be listed as being cool temperate rainforest. Hancock have denied this arguement in this instance. The species include; Lance Water-fern (Blechnum chambersii), Leathery Shield-fern (Rumohra adiantiformis), Austral Filmy-fern (Hymenophyllum australe), Veined Bristle-fern (Crepidomanes venosum), Weeping Spleenwort (Asplenium flaccidum subsp. flaccidum), Mother Spleenwort (Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum), Ray Water-fern (Blechnum fluviatile).

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: At this location only 25 metre buffers were given on cool temperate rainforest. The measuring tape at this location measures 35 metres indicating the amount of buffer that Hancock have deliberately logged at this location.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Cut tree which has slid down slope into cool temperate rainforest.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: A small selection of the Rainforest indicator species found inside recovering rainforest.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: None of this forest should have been logged.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: None of this forest should have been logged. This is degrading the future reserve and may have to be replanted with rainforest species which could cost alot of money.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: None of this forest should have been logged. This 'isolated' Myrtle Beech tree has been wounded by branches being knocked off for the construction of access track and associated nearby logging.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Red dot indicates Myrtle Beech.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Poorly constructed access track leading into coupe that should not have been logged.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: More dodgy access tracks. This region gets average rainfall of 1400mm per year. This is also the site of the new reserve. What will happen at this location when the rains come?

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: More logging in close vicinity to cool temperate rainforest.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Under a Myrtle Beech tree.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Rainforest indicator species , Mother Spleenwort (Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum).

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: The buffer at this location was only 20 metres, meaning that logging has come 40 metres into the future reserve.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Much of this coupe should never have been logged. Where is the penalty clause?

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Gray Gum Track in close proximity to rainforest. Debris bulldozed into piles in future reserve.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: More logging debris on Gray Gum Track.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: More logging debris on Gray Gum Track.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: More logging debris pushed down rainforest gully just off Gray Gum Track.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Appalling roadworks inside future reserve in Gray Gum Track.

January 07 Morwell River catchment/Strzelecki Ranges Cores and Links Reserve: Appalling roadworks inside future reserve in Gray Gum Track.

January 07: Strzelecki Koala looking for a new home.

January 2007: Strzelecki Koala and baby.

January 2007: Strzelecki Ranges. Logging in very close vicinity to cool temperate rainforest on Smiths Creek. Minimal buffers apply here despite Forest Stewardship Council certification.

January 2007: Strzelecki Ranges. Logging coupes are now scattered throughout Smiths Creek. These Mountain Ash forests will be replanted with Shining Gum, a non-endemic Strzelecki species.

January 2007: Strzelecki Ranges. Smiths Creek wipeout with cool temperate rainforest in gully.

January 2007: Strzelecki Ranges. Smiths Creek

January 2007: Strzelecki Ranges. Smiths Creek

January 2007: Snakesback Track, recently logged blackwoods, left on side of road.

January 2007: Snakesback Track with soon to be logged forest.