Rough location map of Hancock Queensland Plantations (marked in red) (main concentration in South East of Queensland).
Rough guide to land included in the sale below. The sale was supposed to be for 210,000ha of land, not 235,000ha as quoted below.
Passchendaele: 3,009ha. (Amiens, Passchendaele, Stannum, Turkey)
Peachester: 29ha.
Pozieres: 162ha. (Pozieres)
Esk: 736ha. (Redbank, Saltshed).
Beerwah: 3,985ha. (Bluegum, Coochin, Landsborough, Mooloolah)
Beerburrum: 5,943ha. (Basin, Burrum, Raddatz, Tibrogargan, Twins, Woodford)
Gatton: 25ha.
Berrburrum: 11,225ha. (Black Swamp, Bribie, Donnybrook, Glass House, Rose, Toorbul, Tripconys, Warnes).
Gambubal: 516ha. (Gambubal).
Crohamhurst: 36ha.
Lutton's: 124ha.
D'aguilar: 351ha. (Kipper, Parkway)
Pechey: 1,150ha. (Hampton, Pechey, Sharman, Tigell, Wemyss)
Geham: 327ha. (Geham)
Ex APM-Millwood Rd (16): 1,559ha. (Swain)
Ex APM-Le Feurve (2): 262ha. (Nikles)
Lot 142 CA31564+: 803ha. (Chaille, Talbot)
Lot 5 on SP195868: 60ha. (Mawhinney)
Bribie: 2,900ha. (Pumicestone)
Stradbroke Island: 250ha. (Stradbroke)
Brooyar: 1,061ha. (Creek, Dry, Greene, Hoop, Red, Wonga)
Schacht's Creek: 1,256ha. (East Glastonbury, Eel, Falls, Groundwater, Marys, Moorooreerai, Schacht, Tristania)
Imbil: 6,048ha. (Allan, Araucaria, Breakneck, Cambroon, Cleminson, Coonoon, Corby, Derrier, East Derrier, Fraser, Gibber, Kenilworth, Lawrence, Little Derrier, North, Pullen, Three Mile, West Derrier, Western, Woodrow, Yabba).
Kabunga: 76ha. (Kabunga)
Jimna: 3,080ha. (Davies, Eastern, Exchange, Ferling, Foxlowe, Hunt, Jiggera, Jimna, Marumbah, Miller, Occupation, Pig Pocket, Scotchman, Tin Hut, Tungi, Winch, Yabba Top).
Oakview: 494ha. (Gap, Sawpit, Serpentine)
Widgee: 892ha. (Central, East, Ironwood, Myravale, Sandshoe, South, Spring, West, Widgee)
Imbil North: 1,140ha. (Branch, Dwyer, Melwondi, Mitchell, Ryan)
Gallangowan: 2,048ha. (Coothing, Gallangowan, Leahy, Porter, Pungun, Tankallaman, Toomcul East, Toomcul West)
Cinnabar 48ha: (Cinnabar)
Amamoor: 2,443ha. (Ash, Beech, Box, Cedar, Harry, Letheren, Long, Million, Skyring, Stoney, Three Hundred, Zachariah)
King: 13ha. (King).
Jimmy's Scrub: 469ha (Jimmys Scrub).
'A' Flat: 334ha. (A Flat, Mynyea)
Elgin Vale: 3,020ha. (Banks, Beitzel, Bushnell, Camp, Cross, German, Glasgow, Gooroomjan, Head, Hudson, Moonarrumbi, Moonda Waamba, White)
Tamlyn Creek: 185ha. (Tamlyn)
Yabba: 30ha (Yeelburn)
Wongi: 13,416ha. (Brooweena, Doongul)
Elliot River: 4,935ha. (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Omega)
Tuan: 40,712ha. (Boonooroo, Boronia, Cowra, Dinna, East, Hakea, Lomatia, Magnolia, Meleleuca, Missings, Tahiti, Talegalla, West)
West of Toolara: 186ha Yurol: 423ha. (Yurol)
Tiaro: 480ha. (Baker)Bauple: 1460ha. (Lillipilli)
Ringtail: 674ha (Ringtail)
Toolara: 33,768ha. (Como, Elliot, Kelly, North Demspter, Round, South Dempster, Sugarloaf, Swampy, Ulirraba)
Wongi: 13,416ha. (Bruce, Duckinwilla, Harwood, Logbridge, Richmond, Saltwater)
Tinana: 7,714ha. (Bungawatta, Red Ridge, Taurus, Tinana)
Lot 113 MCH1071: 540ha (Killen, Wedgwood)
Lot 7 SP178829: 866ha (Gregory)
Lot 1 RL4696: 116ha (Doughty)
Lot 48 on SP139141: 151ha (Foleys)
Clemant: 44ha. (Clemant)
Danbulla: 1,149ha. (Juara, Lake, Platypus, Ridings)
Wongabel: 227ha. (Wongabel)
Barron: 17ha. (Scrubby)
Ravenshoe: 2ha. (Ongera)
Paluma: 1ha. (Dotswood)
Gadgarra: 354 ha. (Bourke, Caribou, Dreghorn, Tardent, Tree)
Teemburra: 13ha. (McLean)
Cardwell: 5,512ha. (Broken Pole, Carruchan, Conn, Damper, Ellerbeck, Five Mile, Glenbora, Meunga)
Abergowrie: 2,092ha. (Boulder, Broadwater, Cadillah, Canoe, Hay, Manor, Wigwam).
Cathu: 239ha. (Macartney)
Cathu: 649ha. (Carawatha, Moolooloo)
Teemburra: 11ha. (Eungella)
Lannercost: 2,878ha. (Lannercost, Morton)
Meunga: 828ha. (Murray Upper, Woodfield)
Ingham: 40ha. (Hawkins)
Kuranda: 2,121ha. (Buchan, Jumburry, Mission, Rooty, Warrgin)
Lot386 SP183697: 431ha. (Sheahan, Woolley)
Lot1 on SP188099: 264ha (Brown)
JV_Early: 623ha: (JV020, JV080).
Wondai: (20ha). (Charlestown)
Archookoora: (252ha). (Archy)
Barkers Creek: (229ha). (Middle, West Barker)
Good Night Scrub: (749ha). (Back, Limestone, Manderson, Tea-Tree, Tenningering, Thurick)
Palen Creek: (351 ha). (Egan, McPherson, Palen)
Googa: (2,000ha). (Ashby, Eliza, Gilla)
Mount Binga: (1,016ha). (Binga, Genrich, Tahran)
Benarkin: (5,511ha). (Benarkin, Bidwillii, Cherry, Clancy, Coppermine, Emu, Jessie, Muddy, Opossum, Pennings, Rocky, Sandy, Wallaby)
Yarraman: (4,186ha). Cooyar, Dean, Frosty, Harland, King, Meandu, Neumgna, Pocket, Power, Stables, Stocker, Tower, Valley, Yarraman)
Cooyar: 146ha. (Gibson)
Head of the River: 653ha. (Bunya, Kangaroo)
Palen 2: 77ha. (Palen North)
Pidna: 408ha. (Grenning, Grimstone, Top)
Bulburin: 507ha. (Archibald, Mossman)
South Nanango: 669ha. (Din Din, Peach).
East Nanango: 1,710ha. (Coolabunia, Greenwood, Nanango, Paradise, Rogers, Tom Tom)
Deer Reserve: 628ha. (Butler, Jenkinson, Raine, Shallcross, Webster)
Kalpowar: 2,808ha. (Barquenquest, Callinan, Fireclay, Hunting, McNae, Mill North, Mill South, North Back, Roffey, Sawmill, South Back, Steep, Twenty Mile)
Mount Mee: 599ha. (Bull, Centipede, Delaney, Mill, Oaky)
Watalgan: 60ha.
Lot 60 Fy28: 88ha. (Bochman)
Byfield: 7,967ha. (Bayfield, Brampton, Clarke, Corio, Pocket, Serpentine, Stony, Stringybark, Upper Stony, Valentine, Waterpark)
Adj SF865 Byfield: 1,994ha. (Blue Knobs, Louden)
Adj SF 865 Byfield: 1,900ha. (Coffee, Paddys Plain)
Adj SF 865 Byfield: 474ha. (Maryvale)
Lot 1 on RP616004+: 590ha. (Paddys Lagoon)
Lot 1 on SP181940: 3,475ha (Canal Creek, Werribee)
Lot 17 on LN99: 385ha (Log Waterhole)
Lot 9 on SP200910: 1,870ha (Banksia)
Lot 243 on PS11: 1,523ha (Glen Isla)
1/6/03: Efficacy Atrazine and Simazine applications over Harvest
"The native hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations (45 000 ha) are within the coastal hinterland ranges on undulating to steep topography with well-drained, fine-textured soils which are highly fertile and relatively rich in organic carbon. The exotic Pinus (P. elliottii, P. caribaea var. hondurensis and their hybrid) plantations (150 000 ha) are primarily in coastal lowland areas where topography is flat to undulating (typically slopes <5%) and soils are coarse textured, infertile with little organic carbon, and subject to periodic waterlogging. Because of differences between plantation species in specific herbicide tolerance, atrazine is used in hoop pine plantations and simazine in Pinus plantations. The herbicides are applied at rates up to 5 kg a.i. [ha.sup.-1] (treated area) in bands (typically between 2.5 m and 3 m wide) along planting rows for the first 12 to 24 months of the rotation."