logging practices -
Update September 2000 Part 2
River Headwaters - Crawford's track. 6/10/99. Removal of rainforest
buffers. Disregard to Environmental Care principles of the Code of
Forest Practices. |
extraction track culverts. Bell Blvd. August 1999. |
River Catchment, Yarram/Madalya Road. August 22nd, 1999. Filter strips
removed with debris pushed into the gully floor. |

access track - head gully of Rodgers Road. Photo taken September
1999. Note the lack of drainage and amount of soil disturbance
- Contravening Code of Forest Practices.
Yarram-Madalya Road. April 2000.
Silt running down entire length of slope.
Road - September 1999. Wet Weather restrictions of the Code of Forest
Practices ignored. It is common practce for the industry to continue
works in unsuitable conditions compromising soil stability and water

Strzelecki Koala
- Albert River Road. June 2000. Lack of habitat forces koalas onto
roads where they can be killed by cars.
Hemphill Way. May
21st, 2000. Removal and destruction of native vegetation, destruction
of filter strips.

Yarram Madalya
Road above Andrews Track. Culvert put in place after harvesting activities
completed. Photo taken April 2000. Many culverts and drains on Hancock
roads remain of extremely poor quality, leading to blow outs and blocakages.

Mount Robinson
Plantation - Shire of Murrundindi. Located on the north face of the
Great Dividing Range,1 hour north of Melbourne, in the Murray Darling
Basin. Water from this creek eventually ends up in South Australia.
What hope is there of improving water quality for the Murray Darling
Basin when the headwaters of these creeks are treated in such an environmentally
irresponsible way? What do water users downstream of these areas think
about these shoddy operations? Hancock Watch was informed by local
fishermen of the extremely poor quality of logging roads in this plantation.
Fishermen are extremely concerned about the effects of sedimentation
on macroinvertebrates and fish populations. This creek is a tributary
of King Parrot Creek. Please note that the road is actually a creek,
contravening the Code of Forest Practices. Hancock were asked to close
the road down as early as February 2000, but have yet to do so. Remedial
work, has been most unsatisfactory. Road remains unclosed and can
be accessed by four wheel drive vehicles. |