The rare Strzelecki Burrowing Crayfish found in a logging coupe: Recent research into the effects of herbicides on native Australian crustaceans is of concern. Recent research by the RMIT University has revealed that the acute toxicity of Roundup to two week old C.destructor (freshwater crayfish - Australian Yabby), ranged between 0.4 and 8 mg glyphosate/l (120 hour LC50) with interbrood variability. The recommended agricultural application rate for Roundup which is 5-7ml/l at the rate of 2-3 l/ha (Monsanto, 1986) may therefore pose an ecological risk to Australian freshwater crustaceans. Australian native freshwater crustaceans are more sensitive to this herbicide than similar Northern Hemisphere species. (see Environmental Engineering Society Website). Plantation companies such as Hancock regularly spray with a cocktail of herbicides including Roundup. What is the effect of plantation herbcides on species of Crayfish in the Strzeleckis?
June 2003: Cool Temperate Rainforest in the Jeeralang Creek East Branch catchment (Parish of Jeeralang) in the northern Strzeleckis. Hancock is currently logging within this catchment. This catchment warrants 250 metre buffers to protect Myrtle Beech in the catchment from the impacts of Myrtle Wilt. For further information on this amazing area go to Rainforest Hotspots.
June 2003: Jeeralang West Road - northern Strzeleckis (Parish of Jeeralang). Recent logging operations conducted very close to this major road.
June 2003: Recent clearfelling of pine near Jeeralang West Road in the Bennetts Creek catchment (Parish of Jeeralang). Is this sustainable?
June 2003: Manna Gum coupes on Jeeralang West Road (Parish of Jeeralang) which have recently come under a moratorium due to the supposed impacts of logging these 'plantations' on the long term survival of the Strzelecki Koala.
10 kilo male Strzelecki Koala which was recently attacked by dogs. This koala had to be euthanised after 7 weeks.
Road hit female koala with broken jaw. Had to be euthanised after 6 weeks. Urgent research is required to determine breeding populations, location and numbers. Logging seriously impacts on long term populations of this animal.
June 2003: Recent logging in Merriman's Creek catchment (Strzelecki Ranges - Parish of Callignee). Logging at this site was on extremely steep gorge country.
June 2003: Merrimans Creek (northern Strzelecki Ranges - Parish of Callignee) logging of young plantation pine.
June 2003: Further logging on excessively steep slopes in the Merrimans Creek catchment on the northern slopes of the Strzeleckis (Parish of Callignee). Note the bulldozer in the top of the photo.
June 2003: Recent logging in Morwell River East Branch in the northern Strzeleckis (Parish of Budgeree).
June 2003: Warm Temperate Rainforest at Macks Creek (LEGL93-97) on the southern slopes of the Strzeleckis. This rainforest community is entirely restricted to the lowland valleys of the Strzelecki Ranges. This example is located just south of Roberts Road. Warm Temperate Rainforest is extremely rare in the region.
Strzelecki Ranges: Unidentified 95cm earthworm found at logging coupe.
May 2003: Retained habitat tree in pine plantation in the Acheron River catchment (LEGL93-67).
May 2003: Recent clearfelling of pine in the Murrundindi River catchment. (LEGL 93-68).