Hancock Watch Updates

March 2018

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation" inside Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve, about to get the chop.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation" inside Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve, about to get the chop.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation". Poor growth rates are common.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation" after logging inside Rainforest Reserve.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation" after logging inside Rainforest Reserve.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation" after logging inside Rainforest Reserve in close proximity to cool temperate rainforest. The initial concept of the Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve was to protect cool temperate rainforest with 250m buffers. At this location no logging should have been allowed as rainforest buffers have been clearfelled.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges: 30 year Mt Ash "plantation/reafforestation" after logging inside Rainforest Reserve in close proximity to cool temperate rainforest.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, showing regenerating cool temperate rainforest and clearfells in close proximity.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, recent clearfelling of Strzelecki Cores and Links Reserve.

March 2018: South Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, recent clearfelling of Strzelecki Cores and Links Reserve. Same view from Whitelaws Track.

March 2018: Albert River/Strzelecki Ranges, ~8year old regeneration after logging inside Cores and Links Reserve adjacent to raodside vegetation.

March 2018: College Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, 800ha of nationally significant forest, 350ha of which was clearfelled from 2009-2012. One of the only viewpoints of the catchment where coupes cannot be seen.

March 2018: College Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, 8 year old reforestation inside Rainforest Reserve off Linkletters Road.

March 2018: College Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, 8 year old reforestation on unnamed logging track inside Rainforest Reserve.

March 2018: College Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, 8 year old reforestation of logging coupe inside Rainforest Reserve. Should be looking good in 40 years time, if fires don't hit.

March 2018: College Creek/Strzelecki Ranges, 5-8 year old reforestation of logging coupe inside Rainforest Reserve.

March 2018: Tarwin River/Strzelecki Ranges, recent clearfelling of pine plantation - Fairbrothers Road

March 2018: Tarwin River/Strzelecki Ranges, recent clearfelling of pine plantation - Fairbrothers Road

March 2018: Tarwin River/Strzelecki Ranges, recent clearfelling of pine plantation - Fairbrothers Road

March 2018: Agnes River/Strzelecki Ranges, getting hit hard at moment. 3-4 year old regeneration inside rainforest reserve.

March 2018: Agnes River/Strzelecki Ranges. 3-4 year old regeneration inside rainforest reserve.

March 2018: Agnes River/Strzelecki Ranges. Recently established log dump.

March 2018: Middle Creek/Strzelecki Ranges. E.nitens plantations established over the past decade after clearfelling of Mt Ash.