Hancock Watch
April 2015

Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Gray
Gum Track: Recent logging in Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve in
close proximity to cool temperate rainforest. In this case, Myrtle Beech. Hancock
have continued to provide non-ecologically based logging regimes in close proximity
to cool temperate rainforest for the past 20 years. Forest Stewardship Council
remains mute.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Gray
Gum Track: Logging continues within the cores and links reserve.

Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Gray
Gum Track/Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve: Koala scats found under eucalyptus
trees in background. This location was a hot spot for koalas until it was clearfelled
by Hancock, starting in late 2007. This particular site was clearfelled in 2007
and then again recently for the construction of this log dump.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Gray
Gum Track/Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve: Recent logging.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Gray
Gum Track/Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve: Recent logging.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Cape
Ivy growing in prime koala hotspot at Birds Gully. Hancock need to crack down
on this weeds, hopefully using mechanical methods with ultimate care.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Recent
clearfelling within Cores and Links Reserve.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Recent
clearfelling within Cores and Links Reserve.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment: Recent
clearfelling within Cores and Links Reserve, near Ryton Junction site of State
Conservation Significance.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Little Albert River Catchment/Cores
and Links Rainforest Reserve.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Little Albert River Catchment:
Recent pine logging.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Middle Creek Catchment: This
creek crossing denies access for native fish to move throughout creek system,
particularly in times of low flow.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/South Middle Creek Catchment:
Logging will begin in this part of the Cores and Links Reserve soon.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Agnes River Catchment: Two
year old regeneration within cores and links reserve.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Agnes River Catchment: Decent
enough two year old regeneration within cores and links reserve, but probably
not good enough to meet unrealistic regeneration standards set by State Government
and Hancock, meaning regeneration will be bulldozed.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Agnes River Catchment: Decent
enough two year old regeneration within cores and links reserve, but probably
not good enough to meet unrealistic regeneration standards set by State Government
and Hancock, meaning regeneration will be bulldozed.
Mar 2015: Strzelecki Ranges/Agnes River Catchment: Very
poor two year old regeneration within cores and links reserve.