Updates November 2009

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Old logging track opened up in
close proximity to English's Corner. Logging tracks make perfect avenues for
feral animals such as foxes.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): New roadworks causing erosion.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): New roadworks have exposed the
roots of this old Mountain Grey Gum, probably leading to this tree dieing in
the future.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): More exposed roots on this old
growth Messmate, due to recent roadworks by Hancock.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): ditto.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment (Site of National
Conservation Significance): Another tree with roots exposed on track widening
operation. Several old growth trees will probably die due to this road widening.
This was a koala hotspot location.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Excessive road batters, with another
tree whose roots are exposed/damaged.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Track works have a host of environmental
issues associated with them, particularly in areas as sensitive as this.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Track widening, with soil and
dead trees bulldozed in very close proximity to this rare tree fern.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Another track has been opened
up by Hancock into the middle of College Creek in very close proximity to a
stand of old growth Mountain Grey Gums. Logging which occurs in close proximity
to these trees could also lead to the eventual death of these trees. This site
is also a known location of Yellow Belly Gliders.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Old growth Mountain Grey Gums
inside the College Creek Catchment. The track will of course be widened to faciltate
the movement of log trucks.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Koala claw marks on Mountain Grey
Gum deep inside College Creek.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Same tree, different angle.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Another old growth tree. Prime
Koala Habitat.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Track entering College Creek off
Grand Ridge Road. Old Growth Mountain Grey Gum, where Koala scats were recently

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Koala scat under tree in above

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Logging nightmare off Linkletters
Road on the eastern side of the catchment. This site has recently been replanted,
so that Hancock can profit from carbon sequestration. Only problem is that 90%
of trees planted have already died at this site.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Dead Mt Ash recently planted by
Hancock off Linkletters Road. How can Hancock claim carbon credits for dead

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Recent clearfelling on northern
aspect of catchment. Crown Allotment 19 Parish of Jumbuk, leasehold land under
Wood Pulp Agreement Act 1966.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): More clearfelling off Linkletters
Road on the eastern side of catchment.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Same logging coupe as image above.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Linkletters Road on right side
of road lies in College Creek Catchment. Shining Gum plantations on left side
of road in Bluchers Creek Catchment.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Log truck on Linkletters heading
straight to Maryvale Pulp Mill. 80% of the logs leaving College Creek will be
sent to Maryvale and converted into copy paper.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Approximately 350ha of ash will
be logged from College Creek, making it one of the the most intensively clearfelled
catchement in Victoria.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Tree fell into stand of tree ferns.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/College Creek Catchment
(Site of National Conservation Significance): Logging in very close proximity
to cool temperate rainforest.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jeffrey Creek Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve).

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jeffrey Creek Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): Recent clearfelling
and burning inside rainforest reserve. This area was supposedly protected in

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jeffrey Creek Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): More burning and clearfell
logging close to Albert River Road.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jeffrey Creek Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): Have herbicides been
used here?

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jeffrey Creek Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): Fertiliser residues
left on logging track. Has Eucmix G been used here?

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Jack River Catchment (Inside
Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): Recent clearfelling of native
forest off Callaghans Road.

November 2009: Strzelecki Ranges/Morwell River Catchment
(Inside Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve): Three year old regeneration
post logging by Hancock.