Map of Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve. Yellow highlights where current logging (Jan 08) is occurring. Under the Heads of Agreement in the Ryton Link; "Harvesting timber from plantations in the Harvest Area will be planned in consultation with Trust for Nature (Victoria) and the Strzelecki Forests Community Group representative. Boundaries will be marked on site prior to the commencement of harvesting." No consultation has occurred. The company simply went into high conservation value sites on Grey Gum Track (Morwell River Catchment) without telling anyone else involved with the HoA. Company reps did meet with a Strzelecki Forests Community Group on the 10th of January, but did not state that they were actively clearfelling Grey Gum Track at any time during that meeting. That meeting dealt with another "thorn in Hancock's heel", rainforest. Relationships between parties involved with the HoA remain toxic, from the CEO down. Hancock's community relations performance since the signing of the HoA continues to be woefully inept. Hancock have also retained Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification making a complete mockery of that system.
January 2008 Strzelecki Ranges Morwell River Catchment near Grey Gum Track: Minimal buffer on this rainforest. Note Slender Tree Fern (threatened species under Flora and Fauna species. Nationally vulnerably species). Hancock leaving no buffers on cool temperate rainforest. Disgusting corporate behaviour. Vulnerable to offsite catchment effects.
January 2008 Strzelecki Ranges Morwell River Catchment near Grey Gum Track: Scattered Myrtle beech no buffers on rainforest in a rainforest reserve.
January 2008 Strzelecki Ranges Morwell River catchment near Grey Gum Track. Scant buffers on this rainforest. Shiny Filmy Fern. and Leathery Shield Fern
January 2008 Strzelecki Ranges Morwell River Catchment near Grey Gum Track: Skirted Tree Fern, even rarer than Slender Tree Ferns.
January 2008 Strzelecki Ranges Morwell River Catchment near Grey Gum Track: More trashed rainforest buffers.
January 2008: Grey Gum Track. Ripping up and logging the cores and links rainforest reserve.
January 2008: Hancock gutting prime koala habitat inside the Strzelecki Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve on Gray Gum Track (Morwell River Catchment).
January 2008 - Grey Gum Track Strzelecki Ranges: Non plantation, Mountain Grey Gum trees logged during this dubious operation. These were high quaility koala feed sources, with scratch marks on the trunks. Why were they logged?
January 2008: The Gutting of Grey Gum Track
Jan 08: Regeneration Rainforest (Blackwood forest) on Grey Gum Track, Morwell River catchment.
January 2008: "Playing with the Tonka Toys" Grey Gum Track, Morwell River Catchment.
January 2008: 30 year plus dead Mountain Ash.
January 2008: Grey Gum Track fiasco.
Grey Gum Track. Does this look like plantation to you? Note native forest understorey. 30 year old reforestation heading to Maryvale pulp mill.
January 2008: Morwell River coupes off Morwell River Road.
January 2008: Morwell River coupes off Morwell River Road.
January 2008: Morwell River coupes off Morwell River Road. Inside Cores and Links Reserve.
January 2008: Zig Zag Track, Strzelecki Ranges, Turtons Creek catchment. Dead tree ferns now line this road. Water supply for the communities of Dumbalk and Meeniyan.
Turtons Creek catchment looking into Cores and Links Rainforest Reserve. About 100 hectares of Turtons Creek is inside the cores and links Rainforest Reserve.
January 2008: Turtons Creek Catchment. Asplenslip Road. Hancock are only supposed to log Asplenslip if they grant 100m on all rainforest in the Morwell River West Branch. As revealed on this website in 2007 in places such as Craig Court, almost zero buffers have been retained on rainforest in sections of the Morwell River West Branch. Once again Hancock refuses to consult with stakeholders regarding the Cores and Links. If the deal falls through, Hancock will only have themselves to blame.
Turtons Creek Catchment. Old growth remnant just off Asplenslip Road
Asplenslip Road
January 2008: Inside some of the area that Hancock want to log on Asplenslip Road. Note poor growth of 30 year old Mountain Ash.
January 2008: Clearing in Morwell River East Branch. Minimal buffers left on cool temperate rainforest.
January 2008: Logging of hardwood off Grand Ridge Road in Middle Creek Catchment. Gossipers?