February 2001
Whitelaws Track (Purchased by Hancock from Australian Paper
Plantations in August 2001)
Headwaters of Bellbrook Creek/Morwell River Catchment
ex Crown Allotment 32 Parish of Budgeree (leased to APP/Hancock)

Google Earth Image 2012, showing location of this plantation
in relation to Strzelecki Ranges

Google Earth Image 2012, approximately 100ha of 9 year
old E.nitens (Shining Gum). Will severe erosion occur again when this site is
logged in a few years time? Most of the Strzeleckis contain highly erodable
Cretaceous sediments. How many rotations of plantations will the Ranges be able
to contend with?

February 2001: Recent clearfelling of APP pine plantations
had opened up landslips, hundreds of metres high. How many tonnes of soil ended
up washing into Bellbrook Creek at this time?

February 2001: Erosion Hotspot. How is such land use considered
to be sustainable?

February 2001: Landslips and slumping of logging roads.

February 2001: Water leaching over collapsed road batters.