Region: Strzeleckis

Legal Number: LEGL/93-83

Plantation: Woorara

Conservation Priority: High

Area within PaperlinX area of supply.

Area within Planthard Hardwoods (Drouin West Sawmills) area of supply.

Located ~17km east of Dumbalk. High quality native vegetation.

Hancock Site visit November 2001:

Large native forest and plantation mass which takes in much of the headwaters of the Franklin River. Entered York Road from Boolara-Foster Road. This road had recently been laid with gravel and stone. Travelled to the end of the logging road. Turned at a point where a caravan was parked. The site was empty of people when we visited, but it appeared that the people at this site would be back as they had left chairs and other campfire materials. It was also apparent that logging machinery was present including a bulldozer. No number plates were present on the machinery. It was obvious by the amount of disturbed soil that recent activity - most likely carried out in the wet had been going on. We headed east along an appalling logging road with a massive disturbance of soil. Roads had been obviously bulldozed down slopes with no consideration of the Code of Forest Practices. It was also obvious that blackwoods had been chainsawed at the site and silver wattle and tree ferns had been destroyed by the road making equipment. Much roading was observed at the site and 99% of it was appalling. We later learnt that the activities on this site are most likely illegal being carried out by locals. The logging was occurring in obvious non-plantation areas.

Photo: The Age

For other updates from this LEGL please go to;

Can you see the person standing in the hollow.

Nov 01: The Big Tree near Gunyah Gunyah. Massive Old Growth Mountain Ash. Australia's largest tree by girth. 22m

THREATENED FISH NOTES - STRZELECKI STREAMS: Habitat forSpotted Galaxias, Mountain Galaxias, Broadfinned Galaxias, Tupong , Blackfish and the FFG listed Australian Grayling.

Strzelecki Ranges Maps Here

Responsible Authority: South Gippsland Shire Council

Plantation Catchment: Several HW creek tribs Franklin River

Herbicides Used by Grand Ridge Plantations - Strzelecki Ranges and Gippsland Victoria

Herbicide Label Rate max as kg/ha Used to control Euc/Rad Notes Application
Clopyralid 2.55 Woody Weeds Radiata and Eucalypts Highly Toxic/Potential Ground water Contaminant aerial or ground
Glufosinate Ammonium 1 Woody Weeds Radiata   aerial or ground
Glyphosate 3.6 Herbaceous and woody weeds, noxious weeds Radiata, Eucalpts and Custodial    
Haloxyfop-methyl 0.13 Annual and Pernneial Grasses Eucalypts Carcinogen aerial or ground
Hexazinone 4 Woody Weeds Radiata Ground Water Contaminant Aerial, ground, spot
Metsulfuron-Methyl 0.06 Woody Weeds, Noxious Weeds Radiata, Eucalyptus and Custodial Potential Ground Water Contaminant Aerial, ground or spot
Sulfometuron Methyl 0.6 Annual and Perennial Grasses and broadleaf weeds Eucalyptus Potential Ground Water Contaminant Aerial or Ground

Catchment Managment Authority: West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority

Nov 01: Illegal roading and logging at the end of York Road in the Franklin Catchment. Note massive erosion potential of logging road.

May 11 2005: Accused Ran Illegal fern Trade Court Told

May 17 2007: Tree Thieves Sent To Jail

Nov 01: Close up of another section of logging road bulldozed through regenerating forest on the western slopes of the Franklin catchment at the end of York Road. Illegal logging is another issue that Hancock needs to address.

Franklin River Rainforest

"The area between the Grand Ridge Road and Stronach's Road has been set aside as a reserve. This area is flatter than most rainforest areas within the Strzelecki's and the rainforest tends to extend in a wide band along each of the tributaries. Because of the width of the rainforest, mature and old-growth mountain ash can be found within the rainforest as well as on the spurs.

There are many examples of very old myrtle beech and sassafras and numerous skirted and slender tree ferns.

The rainforest also extends along those tributaries south of the reserve, between Stronach's Road and Red Hill Track and between Red Hill Track and Clay Track at the eastern headwaters of these tributaries.

In 1997 logging was carried out by Victorian Plantation Corporation in Stronach's Road and Red Hill Track (LEGL 93-83). No buffers were left around the rainforest. Clearing was carried out right to the edge of rainforest and debris pushed into rainforest gullies, causing damage to myrtle beech.

The damage to the rainforest has resulted in a number of trees dying of myrtle wilt. Myrtle wilt is dispersed by airborne inoculum, so this action has put the myrtle beech within the nearby Franklin and Agnes reserves at risk as well as those areas adjacent to the area logged. Myrtle wilt has since been seen in the Franklin some distance from Stronach's Road and a number of trees have also been seen to be dying of myrtle wilt in the Agnes catchment.

The headwaters of the Franklin River contains a significant population of Greater Gliders both inside and outside the reserve. Greater Gliders require old trees for nest hollows. The abundance of the Greater Glider in undisturbed forests is in strong contrast to its paucity in regenerated forest, which lacks old trees with hollows suitable for nesting. Its conservation is utterly dependent upon sympathetic forest management which retains buffer strips of old forest between coupes and preserves old habitat trees and their potential successors in small unlogged areas. Greater Gliders are destroyed in clear-felling operations.

Nov 01: Massive soil erosion potential from this illegal logging road. Over 1km of illegally made logging 'roads' were identified at this site.

Nov 01: Another photo of massive soil disturbance created by illegal loggers.

The Franklin Reserve still contains large numbers of mature and old-growth mountain ash. There is also the 1939 regrowth at the corner of the Grand Ridge Road and Toora Gunyah Road. However, old habitat trees continue to be removed outside the reserve, where there is a significant Greater Glider population. Further fragmentation and isolation of the Greater Glider habitat jeopardises the conservation of the Greater Glider in this area."
Rainforests of the Strzeleckis. By Elaina Fraser.


Franklin River, Foster: A fast flowing stream rising in timbered hilly country, rock bottom. Middle and lower reaches are highly modified by agriculture. Access difficult and in most places walking is necessary. The headwaters contain brown trout to 400g, occasional larger fish, average 160g, some river blackfish and eels. In the lower reaches mainly shallow but some deep holes, sluggish flow, mud and sand bottom. Contains an abundance of eels. Few other fish caught. Estuarine section contains the usual estuarine fish found in district, including estuary perch to 1.4kg.

Source: A Guide to the Inland Angling Waters of Victoria by BR Tunbridge, PL Rogan, CA Barnham. Department Conservation and Environment. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown St, Heidelberg, 3084. (4th ed - 1991)


Nov 01: Blackwood stump next to illegal logging road at the end of York Road. It appears that illegal loggers are targeting Blackwood as a species required for sawmills trading in illegally gained timber.

Nov 01: More illegal roading at this site.

Nov 01: Illegal roading

Nov 01: Old growth Mountain ash with understorey.

Nov 01: Close up of mid-aged Mountain Ash.

Nov 01: Mountain Ash not yet at full size. Definately not plantation as the plantations would have had to be established over 100 years ago.

Nov 01: Mountain Ash forest but definately not plantation.

Franklin River Spotted Galaxias Common Galaxias Broadfinned Galaxias Tupong Blackfish Australian Grayling High Strzeleckis