Region: Ovens
Legal Number: LEGL/93-142/1
Plantation: Myrtleford

Most of this plantation was destroyed in the January/February 2009
bushfires. Image above taken Feb 2012: Image
Source Nearmap

Conservation Priority: High
Plantation within Australian Newsprint Mill (ANM) Ltd area of supply.
Plantation within Carter Holt Harvey (now owned by International
Paper) area of supply.
Plantation within Dominance Industries (Alpine MDF Industries) area
of supply.
Plantation within D & R Henderson/Monsbent area of supply.
North East Victoria Plantation
Map here
Proclaimed Water Catchment Area: This
plantation area is located in the Ovens River (Wangaratta) Water Supply
Herbicides Used by Hancock
in Pine Plantations - North East Region Victoria
Herbicide |
Label Rate max as kg/ha |
Used to control |
Notes |
Application |
Carfentrazone-Ethyl |
0.036 |
Clopyralid |
2.55 |
Woody Weeds |
Highly Toxic/Potential Ground water Contaminant |
air or ground |
Glyphosate |
3.6 |
Herbaceous and woody weeds, noxious weeds |
Hexazinone |
4 |
Woody Weeds |
Ground Water Contaminant |
Aerial, ground, spot |
Metsulfuron-Methyl |
0.06 |
Woody Weeds, Noxious Weeds |
Potential Ground Water Contaminant |
Aerial, ground or spot |
Triclopyr |
3 |
Woody and Noxious Weeds |
Ground, spot, basal bark |

THREATENED FISH NOTES - OVENS RIVER: Most important river in
Victoria in regard to the survival of the Murray
Cod. Murray
Cod spawn almost as far up as Myrtleford
and the Ovens supplies recruitment for the Murray River as well. The
Ovens has no dams and is a river of extreme national significance. Trout
Cod are now being found in the Ovens
and may set up a self sustaining spawning population. Trout
Cod have been successfully stocked into
Ovens and upper Ovens, downstream of Myrtleford and going up the King
River - past Moyhu. All the tribs of the Ovens are important for native
fish including King, Buffalo and Buckland Rivers.
Ex Gold Mine Area:
Gold workings occurred along Myrtle Creek in the 19th Century.
Responsible Authority: Indigo Shire Council
Plantation Catchment:. Tributory and unnamed creek into Barwidgee
Creek. 1 trib and portion of Myrtle Creek. 16 creeks in catchment of
unnamed creek flowing into Barwidgee Creek/Ovens River.
Catchment Managment Authority: North East Catchment Management
Hancock Watch Site Visit May 2001: Drove into
main bulk of plantation from east - Basin Creek Track. (Plantation consists
of three separate plantations - two smaller plantations lie east of
the main bulk). Quite steep roads. Made it onto ‘main’ logging road
inside plantation. Drove north. Quite large buffer zones on Basin Creek
were evident. New roading evident on northern slope of Basin Creek.
Drove out of plantation onto Gap road. Plantation looks almost ready
to log. Most probably in the next few months. Also noted that large
road works have occurred on Gap Road with large amounts of potential
sediment possibly going to wash away.
Barwidgee Creek, Myrtleford: Flows from forested country, through grazing
land and tobacco crops to join the Ovens River between Myrtleford and
Gapstead. A shallow stream with a fine gravel and sand bed. Carries
mostly brown trout to 700g, some rainbow trout to 350g, river blackfish
and some small redfin.
Myrtle Creek, Harcourt - Also called Back Creek. A very small creek
flowing through grazing land, gravel bed. Access through private property.
Carries brown trout to 1.3kg, small redfin, tench, goldfish and possibly
a few rainbow trout.
Ovens River: The rivers all flow north, from heavily forested mountain
country through excessive river flats to the Murray River. Murray cod
populations close to the Murray River. Small river blackfish are common
in many rivers, Macquarie Perch are still occasionally caught, and catches
of golden perch are also being reported. Brown trout widely distributed
through system with rainbow trout most abundant in upper reaches. Upstream
from Myrtleford - Brown Trout to 1.3kg, some rainbow trout, small redfin
and river blackfish.
Ovens River: Upstream from Myrtleford - Brown Trout to 1.3kg, some rainbow
trout, small redfin and river blackfish.
Source: A Guide to the Inland Angling Waters of Victoria by BR Tunbridge,
PL Rogan, CA Barnham. Department Conservation and Environment. Arthur
Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown St, Heidelberg,
3084. (4th ed - 1991)